For those in a hurry, beginners and those interested
At an open constellation evening you will get a brief introduction to the methodology of system and family constellations and two group family constellations will be carried out.
For those in a hurry, beginners and those interested
At an open constellation evening you will get a brief introduction to the methodology of system and family constellations and two group family constellations will be carried out.
For those in a hurry, beginners and those interested
At an open constellation evening you will get a brief introduction to the methodology of system and family constellations and two group family constellations will be carried out.
Course of the evening
After a short introduction to the methodology of family constellations, two participants are given the opportunity to have their own constellation.
Allocation of constellations according to points system
The allocation of constellations on the evening follows a points system. You receive one point for every participation in a constellation evening. Whoever has the most points has the opportunity to get his/her constellation work. After receiving an constellation, the score is set back to 0.
Dr. Stefanie Hettich
Place and time
The constellation evenings take place regularly from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Dates and locations see below.
German (German listening skills required, translations of your contributions possible)
If you have limited German skills, a 'Constellation Day in English' might be more suitable for you.
Participation fee
20 EUR as participant
150 EUR with own constellation work
To be paid in cash on site.