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Couples therapy with family constellation

Discover, understand and solve the causes behind couple conflicts

A family constellation reveals what lies behind the conflicts in a partnership

Do you have problems in your relationship? Do you both end up in unwanted roles? Do you keep arguing about similar topics? Do you recognize the pattern, but don't know where it comes from or how to solve it? 

In couple relationships, conflicts often reveal unresolved issues from the partners' respective family systems. It was usually these topics that unconsciously attracted you to your partner in the beginning.  


If this is the case, then the couple conflicts are difficult to resolve at the partnership level. Because the symptom is usually not the cause.


For me, couple problems are symptoms. It's not about looking at who is right or to blame. I assume that two people basically like each other when they come to me and there is something (a blockage) between them that needs to be recognized and resolved. Most of the time, each partner is so caught up in their own patterns or family entanglements that a simple “please behave like this and that” doesn’t work. We look together at what the conflict pattern wants to tell us and what it wants to point out to us. At the end of the process, one is often surprised at how appropriate the conflicts have been to draw attention to a specific topic. 


All couple problems can be illuminated through family constellations. - The only requirement is that both partners are open to the process. 


If this is not the case and only one partner is willing to discuss their topic, then I recommend to book an individual session.  


In a joint session, we take a lot of time to get to the bottom of the causes in the respective family systems that led to the perceived blockage. After describing the conflict, we see where the clues lead us. We set up the family system of both partners with figures. This brings the first important insights. We then identify the basic conflicts of both partners in their respective systems.  

You can find more explanations and background information on the methodology of family constellations here

If you would like someone to accompany you afterwards, I would be happy to help.


Ungererstr. 112, 80805 Munich

Length of time

2:45 hours

Individual session with system or family constellation 

1:30 hours

Individual session (systemic couples therapy)

Appointments by arrangement


Couples constellation (2:45 hours)

330 EUR

Systemic couples counseling for two (1:45 hours)

220 EUR


Individual sessions with setup (1:45 hours)

180 EUR

Individual session (0:55 hours)

120 EUR

Additional time

55 EUR per half hour

For longer accompaniment, package prices can be agreed.  

Your request

Call me (0170 831 46 19) or write to me.

I will be happy to answer your questions or we can arrange an appointment. 

Thank you for your message! I will get back to you shortly.
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