Individual coaching and online sessions
220 EUR Individual session with family constellation (1:45 hours)
120 EUR Systemic coaching or short constellation (0:55 hours)
55 EUR per additional half hour
Open Constallation Evening
180 EUR with own family constellation (see point system)
20 EUR without own family constellation
Constallation Day
180 EUR with own family constellation (constellation guaranteed)
20 EUR without your own family constellation
Constellation Weekend
180 EUR with your own constellation (constellation guaranteed)
20 EUR without your own constellation
Couples counseling
440 EUR with couples constellation (2:45 hours)
220 EUR without constellation (1:45 hours)
220 EUR individual work with constellation (1:45 hours)
120 EUR individual work without constellation (0:55 hours)
55 EUR per additional half hour
All prices include VAT.
Payments can be tax deductible if they are professionally motivated.